ADSAC Assessments
Human Skills & Resources is a Certified Assessment Agency and can provide ADSAC Assessments for participants seeking driver’s license reinstatement following an alcohol or drug related charge. The assessment includes both a face to face interview as well as a computerized assessment. Upon receiving documentation of completion of all ADSAC recommendations, participants will be provided with a certificate of completion with the “red stamp”.
The price of the evaluation is set by the Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services and is dependent on the date of arrest:

Arrest BEFORE November 1, 2008 - $175
Arrest AFTER November 1, 2008 - $160
10 / 24 Hour ADSAC Course via Telehealth (DUI SCHOOL)
The 10 & 24 hour ADSAC Courses are offered for those completing the driver’s license reinstatement process or simply in need of education regarding the responsible use of alcohol and prescription drugs. The course includes information on the laws as they pertain to alcohol and other drug and information on the effects of alcohol and other drugs. Finally, participants are encouraged to assess the role alcohol and drugs have played in their lives and develop a change plan to decrease the likelihood of future alcohol or drug related problems.
The 10 Hr. ADSAC Course is $150 and can be completed in a weekend
The 24 Hr. ADSAC Course is a minimum of 6 weeks in duration and cost $360.
All Fees are set by the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.